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Network Marketing Association, Direct Sales Association, Multi Level Marketing Association - - MLMIA
Network Marketing Association, Direct Sales Association, Multi Level Marketing Association - - MLMIA Network Marketing Association, Direct Sales Association, Multi Level Marketing Association - - MLMIA Network Marketing Association, Direct Sales Association, Multi Level Marketing Association - - MLMIA Network Marketing Association, Direct Sales Association, Multi Level Marketing Association - - MLMIA Network Marketing Association, Direct Sales Association, Multi Level Marketing Association - - MLMIA Network Marketing Association, Direct Sales Association, Multi Level Marketing Association - - MLMIA Network Marketing Association, Direct Sales Association, Multi Level Marketing Association - - MLMIA Network Marketing Association, Direct Sales Association, Multi Level Marketing Association - - MLMIA Network Marketing Association, Direct Sales Association, Multi Level Marketing Association - - MLMIA Network Marketing Association, Direct Sales Association, Multi Level Marketing Association - - MLMIA  
Network Marketing Association, Direct Sales Association, Multi Level Marketing Association - - MLMIA
Network Marketing Association, Direct Sales Association, Multi Level Marketing Association - - MLMIA
Network Marketing Association, Direct Sales Association, Multi Level Marketing Association - - MLMIA
Network Marketing Association, Direct Sales Association, Multi Level Marketing Association - - MLMIA
Network Marketing Association, Direct Sales Association, Multi Level Marketing Association - - MLMIA
Network Marketing Association, Direct Sales Association, Multi Level Marketing Association - - MLMIA
Network Marketing Association, Direct Sales Association, Multi Level Marketing Association - - MLMIA
Network Marketing Association, Direct Sales Association, Multi Level Marketing Association - - MLMIA



Historically, the birth of associations in the United States, where the first MLMIA chapter was founded, came about due to a variety of issues, needs and challenges facing professions, businesses and industries. These encompassed such topics as legal, legislative, educational, information, finance, data, scientific, regulatory, technology, marketing, advertising, products, credibility, ethics, industry standards, professionalism, certification and much more. It was realized that these matters could only be addressed if individuals or companies from the same profession or industry banned together and worked together for the good of their profession. In other words, competitors joined forces to accomplish things that were impossible to accomplish individually.

Another underlying reason leading to the proliferation of associations was the need to socialize and share information by meeting with other individuals and companies. For the handful that were initially concerned that meeting with competitors was inherently unhealthy or that they could not learn anything, this notion rapidly dissipated as association members began to grow personally, professionally and financially. Today an association represents literally every business, profession and industry in the United States.

The Multi-Level Marketing International Association, MLMIA, is a not for profit, professional trade association, co founded in the United States in 1985 by Doris Wood (who had been a Distributor and Corporate Executive and at the time was a supplier or Support to the industry) Michael Sheffield (who was a Corporate Executive) and two Distributors from different companies (Marge Robinson and Rick DeNeff, no longer active in the industry). (See Founders) Their goal was to represent the interests of Network Marketing and to provide education to and about the industry.

That need - to represent the industry - is stronger now than ever before. The Association has three voting membership categories: Distributors, for Independent Contractors, Support for industry Supplier Companies and Corporate for Direct Sales/MLM/Network Marketing Companies. In addition there are programs for those looking to form a Company.

Each membership category elects a Council in addition to the permanent Councils that include Law & Government Relations and Membership. Each is responsible for representing the needs and interests of their colleagues. These Council Members have served, or may serve on the Board of Directors and work with the Board to establish the policies, programs, services and overall strategic plans for MLMIA.

The Staff of MLMIA have the responsibility of assisting the Association’s Councils and Board in carrying out their responsibilities and insuring that all policies; programs and strategic plans are implemented. Your Association staff has many years’ experience in the MLM industry. Maintaining high ethical standards and representing all members equally is paramount to the mission of your Association.

Within the United States, MLMIA works with local, state, federal legislative and regulatory branches including Attorneys General and Securities Regulators on all issues that could affect the industry. In addition, the Association works closely with the news media, print, TV/radio, talk shows and national publications, in an attempt to insure fair and factual reporting about the industry. The goal is to do the same eventually in every country where MLMIA has members. When appropriate we send out news releases and encourage the media to contact the Association for unbiased expert opinions on industry issues. Overall, one of our goals is to improve the credibility and professionalism of the industry while dispelling the myths. In an attempt to minimize unnecessary or prohibitive legislation and laws, the Association establishes minimum standards, which member Network Marketing companies implement and maintain. These were designed to enhance the professionalism and credibility of those in the industry and attract more people to it and to decrease the possibility of the less scrupulous individuals and companies from coming into our industry.

MLMIA publishes a Corporate Directory and a Support Directory on line that is available to everyone. Although we list our Individual Members also, MLMIA will not under any circumstances publish, sell or distribute to anyone, a roster or mailing list of Individual (Distributor) Members.

The Association provides diversified member programs, services, seminars, publications, training, educational, informational assistance and special benefits. Our conferences and trade shows are beneficial to both attendees and exhibitors and you can check out the latest information under EVENTS.

We keep current with the newest technologies and offer help whenever and wherever we can. In addition to the many outstanding benefits that MLMIA offers, we feel that the biggest benefit is our members’ ability for networking each other as reliable, professional resources. Become a member today and acquire the opportunity to meet and work side by side with the most qualified, outstanding, people in the industry and certainly the world.