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Become A Member

ulti-Level Marketing International Association (MLMIA) is a Non-Profit Professional Trade Association uniquely representing all sectors of the Network Marketing Industry.

Our mission is to increase the credibility of the Industry through education. To improve the professionalism of our members by establishing and enforcing industry ethics and standards. To make education an ongoing priority.

Through the Association’s agendas and efforts we are dispelling the myths and reducing the possibility of less scrupulous individuals from entering our industry. By so doing, the Association is paving the way and making it easier for thousands more to consider becoming a professional Distributor on either a part or full time basis.

MLMIA has three voting categories of memberships.

  • Corporate –Network Marketing/Direct Sales Companies
  • Support –Suppliers providing products/services to industry
  • Individual –Distributors, irrespective of company affiliation

We also offer an Affiliate Membership for those in a beginning or exploratory phase of starting a MLM company.

One of our goals is to provide a diversity of membership benefits and services. Updated information is available through our Web site --- or please try the old fashioned way and call us. We’re here to serve our members!

We’d like to get to know you and your business better so that we may be of more service to you. We also would like the opportunity of inviting you to our MLMIA trade shows, conferences and available functions that would specifically meet your business needs. We look forward to meeting you personally.

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For More Information
Email: [email protected]