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Attention: MLM Independent Contractors
Wouldn’t YOU like someone to represent YOUR interests?

Literally every Industry and Profession in the United States has a professional and or trade association to represent them. Yes! Competitors (both individuals and companies) join forces to accomplish things that are only possible by working together. By Association!

The Multi-Level Marketing International Association (MLMIA) was founded in 1985 to represent the Multi-Level Marketing, also known as Network Marketing, industry. Until MLMIA was formed, there was no organization representing the individual and collective interests of Distributors (Representatives, Dealers, etc.) and Suppliers in the Network Marketing field.

Why do Distributors join MLMIA? They can’t sponsor people or build a downline (although you can help recruit new members). There is no compensation plan - so they don’t make any money. You can’t advertise in MLMIA publications or on the web site (although you can have an eMail address). You can’t do any recruiting for your particular product through the Association and the Association won’t sell or publish its Distributor Membership roster. In fact, it sometimes looks like there isn’t any personal gain whatsoever!

Or is there?

MLMIA is a nonprofit Professional/Trade Association headquartered in Irvine, California. MLMIA is charged with the responsibility of increasing the credibility of the industry. In addition, the association seeks to improve the professionalism of Distributors, Companies and Suppliers by establishing and enforcing industry ethics and standards and by making education an on going priority!

Maintaining high ethical standards and representing all members equally is paramount to the mission of the Association. Thousands have already learned that if you want unbiased, factual information, call MLMIA.

The Association works closely with local, state and federal legislative branches and regulatory agencies inclusive of Attorneys General offices, the Federal Trade Commission and the United States Postal Service. The Association also works with the news media, radio and TV talk shows and national publications in an attempt to insure fair and factual reporting. To minimize unnecessary or prohibitive legislation and laws, minimum standards are established for members. Arbitration is provided between companies, between distributors, between suppliers and between companies and distributors, companies and suppliers and suppliers and distributors.

MLMIA provides a variety of member programs, services, seminars, conferences, discounts on books, tapes, car rentals, informational assistance, internet access, health packages at the lowest of rates and many other benefits including subscriptions to some industry publications.

Through MLMIA’s programs and services we are dispelling the myths and minimizing the possibility of less scrupulous individuals and companies from entering into our industry. By so doing, the Association is paving the way and making it easier for hundreds of thousands more to consider becoming professional Independent Distributors, either part or full time, in the Network Marketing Industry.

The personal gain for you, as a Distributor, and your colleagues as members of MLMIA is immeasurable. With your membership you are not only supporting your industry but you gain personal recognition as a professional by being authorized to use (MEMBER MLMIA) on you’re business cards and stationary. If your company is also a member you can use it on your brochures.

Prior to MLMIA, Independent Distributors in Network Marketing had no association to represent their interests. We are proud to have been the first to fill that enormous discontinuity in our industry.

For further information about any category of membership and applications, click here or write to MLMIA – 119 Stanford Court – Irvine, CA 92612. When writing, please send $10.00 for postage and handling. You’ll receive a $10 certificate good towards anything MLMIA has to offer.

We look forward to having YOU as a member.


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Email: [email protected]