Corporate Membership

n behalf of your colleagues we wish to thank you for your interest in joining MLMIA.

The primary purpose of the Association "is to promote and strengthen the network marketing industry". We strive to educate the general public, the regulatory establishment and our members. The Association represents its membership and the industry with legislative, regulatory and judicial branches as well as the media. We act independently, as well as jointly with others, in carrying out its purposes.

Through the establishment of ethics and standards and education, your Association is minimizing the possibility of less scrupulous individuals and companies from entering our industry while concurrently dispelling the myths surrounding the industry. By so doing,
MLMIA is paving the way and making it more and more attractive for hundreds of thousands of new people each year to consider becoming a full or part time professional Network Marketer.

MLMIA represents Corporate (Direct Sales/MLM/Network Marketing Companies), Support (those supplying products & services to our industry) and Independent Distributors. We feel the Distributor category is extremely helpful to our member companies. From every corner of the country and abroad, MLMIA receives hundreds of phone calls and Emails weekly from individuals considering joining a Network Marketing company. They are either new to the industry or looking for a new company to represent for various reasons. The industry attracts more and more professional people who are interested in knowing if a company is a member of a professional association, particularly one in which they may also have a voice. We feel we can help increase your companys numbers, credibility and professionalism if you are an active member with MLMIA.

We look forward to receiving your Corporate Application and Profile so that we may begin being of service to you.

To Success!

The Board of Directors

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