Code of Ethics
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The Multi-Level Marketing International Association (MLMIA) pledges the highest ethical standards in the network marketing industry for itself and its members.

While building my business for profit, I will make the Golden Rule my ethic so those around me may also grow and profit.

While seeking rewarding methods for my network marketing career, I will employ techniques and strategies that reflect positively on me, the MLM industry and my company.

I will familiarize myself with the laws of my industry, the rules and regulations of my company, and strive to obey them in spirit and in letter and I will endeavor to comply with all the laws of the land.

I will endeavor to fulfill all commitments I make.

To the best of my ability, I will provide training and encouragement to those with whom I work.

While conveying my business opportunity to prospects in the best possible manner, I will accurately reflect earning potential.

While advising my distributors to carry an amount of product inventory appropriate to their near future needs, I will advise and encourage buying only realistic amounts.

Should a disagreement arise, I will make every effort to settle it in spirit of cordiality and fairness to all.

While recognizing other companies as competitors, I will maintain a loyalty to the MLM industry as a whole by demonstrating a professional and friendly attitude toward the competitive companies and distributors whose paths cross mine.

When considering purchases, I will attempt to purchase at retail from another MLM/Network Marketing company.

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